Balance Disorders

Balance Disorders

Neurology Victoria is run by specialist neuro-otologists and neurologists who diagnose balance disorders that affect the vestibular system and cerebellum. The clinic offers cutting edge technology including infra-red and high speed video-oculography. These are diagnostic, non-invasive video based methods of measuring eye movements, which can rapidly identify and quantify vestibular and cerebellar causes of imbalance.

The clinic is suitable for all patients who present with dizziness, vertigo, gait disturbances or problems with coordination.

In people of working age, greater than 20% of people suffer from dizziness.

Our Clinic is designed to assess, diagnose and manage the symptoms of dizziness, imbalance and vertigo. We offer specialised diagnostic equipment which can rapidly identify many of the causes of imbalance. The clinic is suitable for all people who present with dizziness, vertigo, gait (walking) disturbances or problems with coordination.

  • What happens if I have a balance disorder?

    There are many causes of balance disorders. These can include medications, ear infections, head injury or other damage to the vestibular system in the inner ear. Stress and anxiety have been shown to exacerbate balance disorders.
  • Treatment of balance disorders

    In some instances, treatment of dizziness requires a simple postural manoeuvre or a change of medication. In others, referral to specialist allied health therapists is required.
  • What is vestibular rehabilitation?

    Vestibular Rehabilitation is evidence based therapy for the treatment of certain inner ear disorders.

    Physiotherapists assess and treat any physical problems that occur as a result of the dizziness. This may include issues with mobility, balance, falls or fear of falling and vestibular exercises. These exercises retrain the brain to interpret the distorted balance messages being transmitted from the damaged inner ear.

    The effectiveness of vestibular rehabilitation has been established with improvements in balance, walking, confidence and reducing falls risk. It has also been shown to reduce dizziness symptoms.

  • What to bring with you on your first appointment?

    Please bring your doctor’s referral, all medications, previous CT scans and MRIs, and other relevant investigations (hearing tests).